” The Prism”


A prism is an object who’s sides are a crystalline body. These sides meet at the edges forming a prism.

Inside of this 54″x9″x9″ wood sculpture are mirrors that span 48″ in height forming the parallelograms of the prism.

Mirrors reflect the image of the white enameled wood sculpture in contrast to its black enameled wood enclosure.

When viewing the sculpture from overhead there is an opening directly in the center creating an overhead view.

This overhead view creates five different views of the sculpture in one view. It makes it possible to see the entire work in the round in one view..

CLICK ON Home To SEE more images and READ VERSE

” The River of Life”


In days of youthful grand ambition, aspiring to be a big fish in the world of oceans is a difficult swim upstream.

Only a small few make the swim to the top of oceans blue.

I have learned its not about being the biggest fish in the ocean. Sometimes its better to be simply, a big fish in a small lake.

In the river of life, its just fine to be a small fish in a little pond.

For life is about the impact you make on others, be it only one person, two hundred people or three million people.

In the river of life its not the size of the fish or the depth of the lake, but rather the wake you leave behind, in the river of life.

” A Picture Tells “



They say a picture tells a thousand words.
I am not always convinced that’s true.
Some pictures tell a tale of 693 pages like a novel of classic literature.
Some pictures say nothing at all.
However the art of words does possess its own charismatic allure.

WELCOME to my story, a book if you will of interrelated
blogs displaying views of isolated images of paintings, wood sculpture and a diverse grouping of words.
I call it expression, free verse poetry, but its all art, and it tells a story in book form.

Please feel free to click on HOME and Scroll to experience visual images and verse of diverse presentation. An exhibition of sorts in a blogged book/

” Summer’s Promise “


A steamy mist appears, floating like a gentle fog rising from the cooled surface of a path to anywhere.

Like mystic fog on black top now darkened by the refreshing afternoon shower.

Green leaf gently whispers in the cool of moistures air

A steamy street cooled by summers glistening raindrops evaporating on the boulevard.

A path to anywhere in search of summer’s promise.

Ice cubes coming out of the freezer steam as they are enclosed by the warmth of summer’s air.

A glass half full sweating with moisture, the condensation anticipation of summer’s promise.

A front porch view of the world your glass full of summer’s promise.

” Enigma Under the Bed “


The protective coated nonstick pan shields the steel from the man.
Like computer monitors dropping dimes, we sometimes wakeup to twisted lives.
Along the freeway of life I slow my car to view an accident like the rubberneckers all in row.
Glancing, coasting by, realizing it was me facedown on the protective coated asphalt land.
Moisture drips from my brow, sizzles as it hits the asphalt frying pan.
Sleepless days and restless nights how did I get to the place where the Salvation Army met Godwill?
Left alone to contemplate computer monitor separates.
Allegations of isolation frying in a nonstick pan.
Enigma under the bed again, it’s just another giant hand rocking the bed in twitter land.

” Guest Artist”


The pastel on black paper you are viewing was done by my son, some twenty years ago. That makes the artist at the time approximately 6 years old.

When I recieved the work it was folded up and shoved inside of his pocket. I immediately pressed it between two heavy books. Later I took it and had it framed. I loved it, still do.

I was running an art salon at the time so I exhibited the piece as my special guest artist.

The work drew considerable attention, so much that an art collector offered to buy it. I never sold the piece even though my son thought I should have.

I still have the drawing hanging in my house today. It has become the eternal Father’s Day card.

So if you do, or you don’t celebrate fathers day, you should still send them your thoughts, your questions,
your rage, or your respect and love.

Because no matter how you feel we all truly only have one father. Good or bad fathers are people too and no one is perfect, even Dad.

Hope you all have a nice day.

passages from ” Imitating Snowflakes 107.5 ”

to read more click on HOME and scroll




Art is a complicated collection of thoughts, moods, expressions and energy, or not.
Art is always or should be combined with skill, academics, passion and lust.
Art is hot like the flames that burn inside of us.
Art is the energy that keeps us going.
Art is an enigma, but no mystery.
Art is danger and rage.
Art is beauty and grace.
Art is love and hate.
Art gives life and takes life.
Art is the essence of life.

its funny this didn’t startout to be a blog site about art?

Well enjoy the words written the stories told the poetic verses and the images of art…..
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